

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Zealand Visa Miracle!!!

Yeah, we talked to the Embassy on Wednesday and sent the visa to them that day also!!!! We should get it in a month !! Praise the Lord! We are now in Nebraska for the weekend visiting Jeds grandmaw one last time. Wednesday we will be flying to Alaska for Geoffs Wedding and having fun with friends for a week! Pray for our safe travels and that it does not snow to bad!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pray for our NZ Visa

Hey guys, we need you to give a quick prayer for us. We have our medical certificates, chest x-ray certificates, job offer forms, and job qualification evidence—almost every form we need to include with our 2 year Working visa application. The only thing between us and going to New Zealand in June is a police form that basically proves Kayla and I aren't criminals.

The problem: we did not know it can take 13 weeks to process a simple criminal background report. What's worse is that our Medical and Chest X-ray certificates will no longer be valid if we have to wait to send our visa with the police form.

What to pray for: that New Zealand Immigration (whom we are waiting to hear back from) would tell us that we can send our Application with the forms we have and send the police form at a later date. Better yet please pray that there would be another way of proving to NZ Immigration that we are of good character.

Thanks everyone so much for your prayers!