

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Its all coming together!!!

Life in the Bayou!

Today is January 23rd, it is now 5 weeks before we leave Louisiana and go to Colorado for two months, then back to Louisiana for a month and then off to New Zealand!! Crazy how time goes by so quickly and how God just shows you how he is going to completely provide for us! For a quick update on the past couple months... We moved to Louisiana on December 1st to raise support! We had a wonderful Christmas with my family and lots of fun family time! I had a good birthday with my husband (which included breakfast in bed, quality time all day, a movie and yummy Copelands at night with all the family) We worked at Logan's Roadhouse for 5 weeks (our last week was this week). Now we are in the middle of raising support.

Raising Support!

Last week we spoke at our first church. It was a small church in the middle of the woods of Louisiana. Honestly we were not expecting much but BOY did God like to surprise us!! Jed said the other day that he is experiencing something totally different with raising support then he ever has had before. I have lived here all my life and I have been going on mission trips since I was 12 and I have always been provided for but this is different. We are going overseas for good, no more school, no more short trips, this is for life! Thats a little scary sometimes to think about. We are speaking at 5 different churches and two of them have mission committees that we are speaking to also! This isn't just two minute presentations, this is Jed preaching and having the entire morning service and then both of us presenting in the entire night service! We were not expecting this! God is good!


There are a couple things that you could be praying with us about:
  • Pray for the next six sundays we will be at different churches, pray that their hearts will be open to Mission Forward!
  • Pray that we will figure out our visa situations for New Zealand soon!
  • Pray that Jed and I will have meaningful time with family and friends before we leave Louisiana!
  • Pray about what you can do to be a part of Mission Forward!