

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mission Forward

Where we were, How we are now, and What’s ahead
From the Mekong back to Mt. Cook

The Indo-china trip

With various ministries such as leading cell

groups, teaching english, open air evangelism, underground pastor bible training, and sex-trafficking prevention seminars; our trip this summer gave the students inspiration for long-term missions. Once again, this trip has shown us the value of short term missions.

Since then...

We’ve been working full-time at a troubled youth home that takes in kids from domestic violence and neglecting parents. Jed worked with younger boys who are trying to be reunited with their families. Kayla worked with older girls and taught them how to independently live. W

e loved it, though it was hard. We were also leading a youth group on Sunday nights and we are currently enrolled in seminary where Kayla will have her Bachelors in Cross-Cultural Ministry and Jed will have his Associates in Biblical Studies by the end of December.

In the Meantime...

Though these things have been great ministry opportunities and ways to grow in the Lord, God is once again pulling us toward missions. In fact, as of this moment we have moved out of Missouri and are in the process of moving back to work with YWAM Oxford!

Our Mission: Expanding OUtreaches

Going back to YWAM Oxford, we will be heading up the Outreach Coordination for DTS’s (Discipleship Training Schools) for a commitment of 5 years. However, our vision is to expand this into an entire Outreach Teams Department that we are incorporating into our ministry project: Mission Forward. Mission Forward will not only plan outreaches, but build relationships with the missionaries we sends teams to and work with them personally to help them receive teams.

What this means...

is that we will be splitting our time every year between New Zealand and traveling abroad to the missionaries our base works with. In New Zealand, we will work at the base planning logistics for teams such as plane tickets and visas while also preparing the schools for the culture and ministry they will be going to and doing.

When we travel to the missionaries, we will work with them to receive teams by fitting our teams’ goals of evangelism and inspiration for missions with their long-term efforts. By visiting the missionaries in this way, our outreaches will be able to impact far more people.

Our Need: Partners

As any new business that starts out, it needs partners that will invest in it— the same is true with ministry. We can’t do this on our own and we need you as our brothers and sisters in Christ to partner with us. Whether it’s keeping our prayer needs in a prayer group, supporting the ministry monthly, or joining with us in closing the short-term to long-term missions gap, we need our friends like YOU to be a part of Mission Forward! We’re all called to make disciples for Christ, and our mission is a venue that you can join to make the Great Commission realized!

As Paul had the church at Philipi beside him, we

need people beside us!

Please pray and consider which of our goals you could help meet!

Prayer Goals

Financial Goals

Team Goals

Have 20 people dedicated to intercessory prayer that can be communicating with us regularly!

We need 144 people to give from $1-$144 (1 person gives $1, another $ $144) as a one time gift for us to get to New Zealand & start our ministry!

Successfully visit missionaries that YWAM Oxford would send teams to and work with them to be able to receive teams every year! Over 5 years we hope to visit 40 missionaries.

Have 3 prayer support groups that meet regularly who can put our ministry as a prayer need and also communicate with us! Let us know if your prayer group can do that!

More importantly, we need 50 people committed to giving monthly such as: 5 people @ $100/month, 20 people @ $50/month, 25 people @ $20/month

We also want to improve the DTS’s outreach preparation. This includes getting ministry resources (such as Dramas & evangelism tools) and making info books on culture and the missionaries.

We’d also want peopl

e partnering with us in the last 2 categories to also spread the word: getting involved in mobilizing your community for missions and telling us about it!

These are just examples, but any one-time or monthly gift would help! Our total need is $2000/Month for support and $10,000 to leave for NZ

With all these goals, we want a staff team that can partner with us. We’d also like to see more DTS students to go back to ministries they went to for long-term work.

How you can send support

Make checks payable to: “Church WOW—Mission Forward”

Send Checks to: Jed and Kayla Olson/Mission Forward

c/o Church Without Walls (WOW)

619 S. Williamson St.

Altanta ,MO 63530

For Online Donations Click HERE

To set up Monthly Donations:

e-mail us @

Note: ALL Donations are Tax Deductible